Domain is staked


  • StakedDomain


name: string

Domain name

price: number

Registration fee paid to owned in USD

renewalFee: number

Renewal fee for renewed domains in USD. Fee is paid to owned. Additionally, there is service fee for renewal

renewalType: "permanent" | "renewed"

Type of renewal: 1.permanent - domain is owned forever 2.renewed - domain needs to be renewed after expiration

sldPerWallet: number

Number of SLD registrations per owner

staked: true
stakingType: "address" | "public" | "nft" | "erc20"

Type of staking: 1.public - anyone can register subdomain 2.address - specific addresses can own registered subdomains 3.nft - specific NFTs can own registered subdomains 4.erc20 - specific ERC20 tokens can own registered subdomains

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